Thursday, October 9, 2014

Building complex capacitive devices.

From my last post - my idea is to create interconnected
capacitors - or storage devices with some complex behaviors -

1),  they would be able to discharge at electric
transmission voltages,

2),  they would be able to charge themselves -
-- collectively --- over long distances, longer distances
than are currently used in the electric transmission
grid.   So in fact they would have to transform high
energy transmissions back to electric current frequency.

3), they would be able to be charged from a variety of
sources, including alternative energy sources, residual
energy from infrastructure, as well as standard transmission

If someone has these things built already, I would suggest
trying them out.

If they haven't been built, I know parts of it has, I think
someone needs to try and build one.  Probably will
cost " a bunch " of money ( most likely with zeros ).
Just so you know, I think some one could/may have an
even better idea.

At one point I had the idea that satellites might be used,
but I think that would imply a greater degree of accessibility
to orbit ( i.e. cheaper methods of
transport for people - to be monitoring and maintaining equipment ).

However, not building something like this because of
" space technology ", would, I think, be kind of stupid.

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