Sunday, October 12, 2014

Briefly on Tesla

So I did watch a documentary and movie on Nikola Tesla,
which indicated to me if he had been adequately compensated
for his work he would of died quite wealthy, but did not.
This is even after deducting from what he might have
done, but did not.  But of course I'm no expert on that.

All that aside, it seems to me that what he was attempting
to do was create a prototype for a global energy transmission system.
Apparently, there was not a lot of  " buy in " from the financial
community of his time (  i.e., how many nickels can you
transform into dimes ? ), although you should consider
there was  some communication problems.  I think a lot
of people were scared.

Although, he might have been a bit ahead of his time, and by
that I mean he did not have access to the information and
technology available today, he did understand that what
he was doing was trying to create a " model " - at least -
I believe that is what he believed.  Again, I am no expert.
But I also did have the distinct impression that he was
quite " environmentally " conscious and concerned.

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