Friday, October 17, 2014

electric rockets


referencing back to previous post - efficient orbital vehicles

the above search reveals four links to






electric rocket basics

Also - back to previous post a suborbital " floating "
launch platform would require clever stabilization

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

high energy capacitors for energy storage

The above is a google search I did which returned:


as well as this  ( don't know from when )


which is interesting - and may require further
research to determine his relation to

Jean-Luc Picard

and this ( 2014):

green energy

and this ( from ? ):

alternative energy

and this ( 2008 , ieee)

high voltage super capacitors

and this ( 2009, MIT )


efficient orbital vehicles

So here's my idea for creating more environmentally friendly
orbital vehicles.

Create a launch platform that could be raised or lowered, say
50 miles, on which the orbital vehicles are attached.  The accent
of the platform can be slow - and it would be raised like
a hot air balloon heated by concentrated sun light.  Then,
when the launch platform was not in use it could also function
as a power plant - supplying electricity/power.

The orbital vehicles would be dropped from the platform,
developing acceleration, then turning upward to attain orbital
velocity.  The actual trajectory would need to be analyzed,
but at there most efficient, they would be able to use something
like electric jets/rockets.

Ideally, these orbital vehicles would be able to return to the launch
platform, and the whole unit would gradually descend toward

There are many ways to design, in detail devices of this type,
the issue being how long can you maintain a concentrated
beam of sun light.  There are addition design factors to consider
such as -

1) batteries.
2) orbital " winches " - as for example
Arthur Clarke style - elevators.
3) other stuff - I haven't or can't think of.

For example, the actual orbiting vehicles could be launched upward,
from the launch platform, as in some kind of balloon, and then at
a higher altitude, drop, then use engines of some type to attain orbital velocity.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

People Climate 9/21/2014

So this

peoples climate

discusses some concerns of a " good many " people about climate
and the environment.

While it is possible that all these people are nuts -----
somehow, I find that very unlikely.

Briefly on Tesla

So I did watch a documentary and movie on Nikola Tesla,
which indicated to me if he had been adequately compensated
for his work he would of died quite wealthy, but did not.
This is even after deducting from what he might have
done, but did not.  But of course I'm no expert on that.

All that aside, it seems to me that what he was attempting
to do was create a prototype for a global energy transmission system.
Apparently, there was not a lot of  " buy in " from the financial
community of his time (  i.e., how many nickels can you
transform into dimes ? ), although you should consider
there was  some communication problems.  I think a lot
of people were scared.

Although, he might have been a bit ahead of his time, and by
that I mean he did not have access to the information and
technology available today, he did understand that what
he was doing was trying to create a " model " - at least -
I believe that is what he believed.  Again, I am no expert.
But I also did have the distinct impression that he was
quite " environmentally " conscious and concerned.

some details (links) on current - Wireless Power Transmission

So I just wanted to add this link to IEEE, 2013

wireless transmission

and just point out from the description >

" WPT arrays is still an open research field " 

and this, 2011

wireless transmission - other

from a Stanford student.

and this, 1992

beamed microwave transmission

which includes " space " .

and this, 2014

long distance power transmission

which again includes " space ".

and finally this, approx 2014

>  long-distance-wireless-power-transmission

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Building complex capacitive devices.

From my last post - my idea is to create interconnected
capacitors - or storage devices with some complex behaviors -

1),  they would be able to discharge at electric
transmission voltages,

2),  they would be able to charge themselves -
-- collectively --- over long distances, longer distances
than are currently used in the electric transmission
grid.   So in fact they would have to transform high
energy transmissions back to electric current frequency.

3), they would be able to be charged from a variety of
sources, including alternative energy sources, residual
energy from infrastructure, as well as standard transmission

If someone has these things built already, I would suggest
trying them out.

If they haven't been built, I know parts of it has, I think
someone needs to try and build one.  Probably will
cost " a bunch " of money ( most likely with zeros ).
Just so you know, I think some one could/may have an
even better idea.

At one point I had the idea that satellites might be used,
but I think that would imply a greater degree of accessibility
to orbit ( i.e. cheaper methods of
transport for people - to be monitoring and maintaining equipment ).

However, not building something like this because of
" space technology ", would, I think, be kind of stupid.