Sunday, July 16, 2017

Photonic Fusion and photon fusion

This is an article that appeared under photonic fusion search on google....

Nuclear photonic rocket

Characterization of photonic fusion

Laser Focus World

from 2013 ,,,,

but also found this:


and maybe a band called

Photonic Fusion

Now from google search photon fusion:

Quantum State Fusion

and this 2008:

Photon Fusion Reactor (PFR)

and this

Max Plank Institute

and this

What is photon fusion?

which includes the following from 2009:

Scientists have manipulated light - such as sunlight - to combine the photons' energy with particular wavelengths. Previously only possible with high-energy density laser light, the process could pave the way for more efficient solar cells.

An innovative process that converts low-energy longwave photons into higher-energy shortwave photons has been developed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz and at the Sony Materials Science Laboratory in Stuttgart (both in Germany).

Something to think about:

Definitely food for what you call it ???  

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