Thursday, March 12, 2009

spilling the beans .....

It's time for me to spill the beans - moan and groan
like there is no tomorrow ....

First, my ranting part ....

Sometime, I would say before 2005 I became convinced that somebody
should invest millions of $$ in redesigning the electric transmission
grid .... which never happened and you can blame it on me because
I didn't have the focus to stick with it and get my point across.

If that had happened and we had spent 4 yrs doing the designs we
would have a product today which for a bunch more money we could
be implementing today in real action ---- in other words we could
be intelligently re-engineering and rebuilding the grid and would
be on our way to some real environmental and tangible energy
efficiency improvements.

Now that this idea has gone main stream - my guess is we are going
to forgo the design part and just rebuild the system which of course
will end up costing --- way more --- and achieving way less ---

Oh, well....

Now for the beans ----

Back around 2000-2001 I became convinced that we were on the verge of
a major technological breakthrough which I anticipated would happen
around 2006 - which I connected to our increasing understanding of
the principals of gravitation. A lot of this was motivated by
the work of Jack Sarfatti who I believed was reaching a scientific
understanding which would permit a new technological horizon.

Well, looking back on all of this --- this is what I have come to
understand --- Jack was trying to convince people that we needed a
breakthrough in propulsion which would put us on par with - the
"Other guys" --- "out there".....

First of all - after being focused on this for some significant amount
of time --- here are my general conclusions ....

First, if we are going to reach - on par - with " those guys " we need
to focus on the "craft" which we have available to us which is earth ...

Secondly, although I cannot really build the math --- the basic idea
that I understand is that gravitation is closely related to consciousness -
and in essence - consciousness is anti-gravity - although there my be
a certain amount of in precision to viewing it that way.

From a "practical" technological point of view all of this can be
connected together with - super-conducting - electro-magnetism and
nano-technology - and that could be a conceptual place to focus on
the rebuilding of the grid --- some of these material do not yet
exist - but - I feel pretty sure that if they are not being developed
that we should focus some of our energy and innovation in developing
them - which will allow use to interconnect our infra-structure with
the evolution of the grid - the big advantage of connecting or
infra-structure to the grid would be:
- one maintenance
- two efficiency.

Obviously, this is all very sketchy and vague -

If we had spent some $$$ back in 2005 there would probably be
blue prints - now - for most of this .....

I do however feel pretty strongly that alot of what is going on
currently in the area of quantum computing closely relates to
all of this.

I am confident that there are people out there - now who can
connect these dots - some in a much better way .... that I
can express them.


unfortunately I have run out of beans...........

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