Thursday, August 6, 2009

energy and health care

Health Care, Energy and other Issues:

I suspect that there are very few people who would try
to argue that if we wish to become a culture capable of
traveling to other and distant planets, it would be possible
to do this without well coordinated international co-operation.

I, for one, am of the conviction that the near term survival of
our species requires a good deal of international co-operation
both on the issues of the use of energy resources as well
as to the issues relating to health care and health care investment.

Now, it's seems that this issue of health care is a more pressing
issue for people in the U.S. - today because we haven't done a real
good job over the years with this issue and there are many reasons
for this – which could be mentioned – but it is an issue that I believe
no clear thinking – reasonable person can avoid. There are those who
would imagine that it is an entirely economic issue – with whom
I would disagree strongly. Making money and making people healthy
are related – in one very important way. You can't make money
 unless you have a healthy work force – so you can not have one
without the other. You might say – well - only certain members
of our society deserve a high quality of health care – because
they do work which is more important or they contribute more
to the over all economy. Then, people who make this argument
must be able to support it with at least a reasonable description
of the value of individual work. It is a system very hard to
support because everyone's effort in any particular area of
 endeavor is important – and although some may be rewarded
more highly for their labor – often the most important
contributions are made by individuals who actually earn less.

But, we need to face, as a nation that this effort to achieve
and maintain a good quality of health is important to us
as a nation.

Now my opinion is that this concept needs to be described
and incorporated into our constitution, because it is important.
And I also believe that this effort should be done by a national
body – a constitutional committee or congress – of individuals
from our entire nation to meet and openly discuss these issues
so a proper documents may be created to reflect these
concerns in detail. To do so would take a great deal of effort
– but to not do it will cost us in the long run. And a meeting
of this type should be done separately from our existing
government institutions mostly so that everyone can feel
that their inputs and concerns are recognized. There are many
reasonable arguments for this.

Today, in the U.S. - we have institutions at 4 levels of government
which are as follows:

1. National
2. State
3. County
4. Municipal

My feeling is that this should be expanded to 5 –
one of which the primary responsibility would be to
focus on the issues of health and health care.
My opinion is that these institutions should be on
a regional level and also there should be contributions
from existing taxes which would help support them as well
as consideration made for additional revenues to
be considered to help support them. In addition,
I believe that the leadership of these bodies should
consult with the president – either with his cabinet
or separately especially when the president is
considering issues of war.

There are many other details and thoughts and arguments relating to
this and that is exactly why a national meeting of this type can be of
such a great value – so that a lot of different ideas and so forth may
be openly and freely discussed – before a final document is to be
reviewed and agreed upon.

Now, just a brief example of how these issues affect us daily.
Huge amounts are invested and spent on lawyers – endlessly
discussing these things... Now, if these lawyers know so much
about medicine – then why are they not working in the health
care industry rather than standing around in public places –
discussing it ????? It would seem that spending so much
time talking about it would indicate that they probably
knew more than the doctors who are actually being paid to
do the work. If that were to happen then we could pay the
doctor-doctors ½ as much and the lawyer-doctors ¼
as much and we'd have twice the labor force and still spend less.


But on to a different area of concern and that would be energy
and the long term investments we must make to insure that
we'll survive what appears to be a potentially large scale
environmental catastrophe.  Now, lately people talk about the
carbon dioxide issue, but we must surely think clearly on
these issues.  What cannot be denied – except by those who
 have not clearly and impartially examined the facts in this
case - is that our energy transmission system is hopelessly
out of date --- almost all of this technology having been designed
and developed in the 1920's and 1930's.
 I personally believe we have learned a great deal more on
this subject – but there are some very clear issues that should
 be examined which is that we have so far progressed in our
use of electricity – that to call it simply electricity is not giving
a clear view of this subject, because we use it in such a variety
of ways – for example: in communication, in entertainment,
in pumping, in manufacturing, in health care, in transportation,
and the list is much longer.

It is clear that any attempt at modernizing this arena should be done
with that in mind so that rather than transmitting some
of these different type of energies long distances –
the power was more local - for some of these things the power
can be most easily derived from more renewable resources
– for example – cell phones can be recharged by solar or wind
– easily – and even some transportation power can be easily
created in this way .....

But now – another important issue is how high can the
transmission voltages be ???? It seems that 500 kv to
5,000 kv is not an unreasonable way to do that ---- although
I am not currently aware that higher voltages are being used.
But it is my belief that these projects should be integrated
into other infra-structure projects – with the call of enhancing both ---
So for example consider – that public transportation in the form
of fast, efficient, reliable and energy conscious systems are
the exceptions rather than the norm.... Our rail system in this
country is totally sub standard in all ways and even
within cities – public transit systems are often not well thought out
in such a way that the public is really benefiting sufficiently from it.

So, for example, consider that safe forms of transit may be
developed using strong magnetic fields in opposition to
the gravitation pull – so that – very little energy is then
required to move it because the frictional forces have been so
 much reduced. If, in addition, solar or wind systems were
developed with these systems then – they might end up as
energy producers. At the very least it should be considered
to incorporate some of the transmission systems as well –
so that both of these systems may be maintained together.

But it would be incorrect to assume that such a plan could be
implemented in a very quick way – without significant planning
and engineering. The result of that type of approach would
be potentially disastrous. However, with the right
materials and forethought this could become a very
practical and well utilized mode of transportation.

One speculative thought on this subject would be investigations
into some method by which the natural magnetic field of the
earth could be used to advantage.

In these ways I do not think that it is unreasonable to consider
that major hubs of the system would be able to add energy to
the system – thus increasing the energy available to the entire system.

It seems clear to me that any long range plans on this subject need to
consider many factors together – these being – particularly energy,
transportation, manufacturing, and city and community planning.
In this way we can look forward to progressing to a system which
will be good for people and good for the environment.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

spilling the beans .....

It's time for me to spill the beans - moan and groan
like there is no tomorrow ....

First, my ranting part ....

Sometime, I would say before 2005 I became convinced that somebody
should invest millions of $$ in redesigning the electric transmission
grid .... which never happened and you can blame it on me because
I didn't have the focus to stick with it and get my point across.

If that had happened and we had spent 4 yrs doing the designs we
would have a product today which for a bunch more money we could
be implementing today in real action ---- in other words we could
be intelligently re-engineering and rebuilding the grid and would
be on our way to some real environmental and tangible energy
efficiency improvements.

Now that this idea has gone main stream - my guess is we are going
to forgo the design part and just rebuild the system which of course
will end up costing --- way more --- and achieving way less ---

Oh, well....

Now for the beans ----

Back around 2000-2001 I became convinced that we were on the verge of
a major technological breakthrough which I anticipated would happen
around 2006 - which I connected to our increasing understanding of
the principals of gravitation. A lot of this was motivated by
the work of Jack Sarfatti who I believed was reaching a scientific
understanding which would permit a new technological horizon.

Well, looking back on all of this --- this is what I have come to
understand --- Jack was trying to convince people that we needed a
breakthrough in propulsion which would put us on par with - the
"Other guys" --- "out there".....

First of all - after being focused on this for some significant amount
of time --- here are my general conclusions ....

First, if we are going to reach - on par - with " those guys " we need
to focus on the "craft" which we have available to us which is earth ...

Secondly, although I cannot really build the math --- the basic idea
that I understand is that gravitation is closely related to consciousness -
and in essence - consciousness is anti-gravity - although there my be
a certain amount of in precision to viewing it that way.

From a "practical" technological point of view all of this can be
connected together with - super-conducting - electro-magnetism and
nano-technology - and that could be a conceptual place to focus on
the rebuilding of the grid --- some of these material do not yet
exist - but - I feel pretty sure that if they are not being developed
that we should focus some of our energy and innovation in developing
them - which will allow use to interconnect our infra-structure with
the evolution of the grid - the big advantage of connecting or
infra-structure to the grid would be:
- one maintenance
- two efficiency.

Obviously, this is all very sketchy and vague -

If we had spent some $$$ back in 2005 there would probably be
blue prints - now - for most of this .....

I do however feel pretty strongly that alot of what is going on
currently in the area of quantum computing closely relates to
all of this.

I am confident that there are people out there - now who can
connect these dots - some in a much better way .... that I
can express them.


unfortunately I have run out of beans...........