Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat

Usually, we are in the situation where we are snatching defeat
from the jaws of victory, but for a change, I'm thinking we
should make a coherent effort to reverse that stereo-typical
 In the following interview from Democracy Now:


which contains many issues connected with recovery efforts
in Puerto Rico,  however, in particular there is an interview
with the head of the electric workers union in Puerto Rico.

In it he suggests that the offer by Elon Musk,
seen here:


is not an immediate solution for Puerto Rico's
grid issues, because of the studies that need to
be done, to insure that such a project moves
forward with the greatest effect.  In other words
he is not saying that sustainability efforts will
not benefit Puerto Rico, he is saying that
study needs to be done to implement the project
in a way that will provide the maximum benefit
for the over all effort ( or investment ) put into

We need, to be brief, to design it before we build it.

I should repeat that 9 * 10 ^^42 times ,,,, ( big number )

however, if the U.S. or on a wider scale the Global
community is willing to invest, in these kinds of studies
in Puerto Rico, then the results of these studies should
have great significance in larger contexts.

One very interesting aspect of this might be the consideration
of somehow connecting the Puerto Rican grid to
some larger grid, perhaps connecting many of the Caribbean
 islands or perhaps somehow connecting back to the
main land, U.S..

This is an incredible opportunity, for success, which is
practical and reasonable, at the same time extending
that success to greater applicability.

 So to be brief such an effort, which would require modest
investment, could have very beneficial influence not just
on Puerto Rico not just in the near term ,  but also for the
long term and also provide wider benefits, both in the U.S.
or wider Global community.

The following is a link to one of the relief efforts for
Puerto Rico

UNICEF USA's Hurricane Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico