Wednesday, June 3, 2015

More on - Planetary Network

Recently, I have become familiar with a line of thought that
 indicates, sometime in the ( --- not too distant --- ) past, our
entire globe may have been connected by some type of an
energy transference ( grid-like ) system, in the form of what
appears to be monumental edifices, dating from ancient to
prehistoric time.  This would also seem to be an interesting
connection of infrastructure and infrastructure planning in
that the energy transfer system seems to have been built
into the social infrastructure, in some ways.

As to the validity of this reasoning, I am personally
uncertain, but would strongly insist that more information
or research on this subject would seem to be of  significant
value, if only for better historical understanding
as regards the dimmer aspects of the human past, but
beyond that, if significant data of value on that possibility
became more clear, it would certainly assist, in the construction
of  such a project in our future, which I am convinced
is a project supported by good judgement and sound reasoning.

That last paragraph is almost entirely one sentence ( ? ).....
which would indicate perhaps I should make myself more clear.

#1 conjecture - a planetary network for energy transference
- of some type existed in the past.

#2 if true, it could assist with the construction of such a
network < grid > in the future.

#3 - the construction of such a system - would be a wise
course of action - for us currently, as it would perhaps
alleviate or reduce some of the noxious & potentially
planetary endangering effects of the systems now in place
on a global scale.

It is my personal belief, that #3 equates more or less
to the following-

If we don't significantly improve, and modify our
methods of energy consumption and transmission as
they now exist - the continuation of an advanced,
manufacturing type of culture/civilization on this
planet - becomes more and more unlikely or in other words
( less and less likely ).

Now, one issue, that is not so firm in my mind - but one
I tend to support is the issue of whether or not in the long
run - a manufacturing type of culture/civilization is strictly
to the long term benefit of the human race. What I mean there
is that I think it is beneficial for us at least to attempt to retain
the technologically ( somewhat ) advanced manufacturing
in which we are immersed.  But I also suspect that this
" premise ", does require significant examination and evaluation.

One thing does seem clear to me at this time and that is, as a
species, race, culture, or civilization, we should at least make
 an effort, and an effort to continue in a manner which is of
benefit to all those that inhabit this world.