Friday, January 30, 2015

--- hard time with a good enough title --- I am flabbergasted ( in a good way )

Every once in a while you experience a surprise, and that surprise
is so big that you are amazed... And so  something goes through
your mind like ---

O my God ! which sometimes comes out like --- oh my gosh ---
I didn't want to use either one for a title - and so you get
( hard time ). I could of sat here all day trying to come
up with something.

But anyway, in this case I will simply point to a web site
that really did it for me today ----


So the above link is connected to a story going back to
April, 2013 which discusses a 36 megawatt battery connected
to a 153 megawatt wind farm.

Following the report - you find that this shook the renewable
energy industry.....

Well, I'm shaking almost 2 years later. You will also see references to
a conference in Rome ( I'm assuming Italy and not Georgia ) --- in
April 2015.  I'm pretty sure that's in Italy because the sign up is in
Euros - which I don't think they use very much in Rome, Georgia.

Anyway, I am completely amazed that things have advanced so
far - and it makes me really enthusiastic, " ha ha energized ", as well
as very hopeful that on a global level there is a understanding about
the need for this type of development.

Also, if you register for that Rome conference today you save a
bunch of money ---- ????   ( Euros ) ....  Probably not Georgia.

so link to registration >>>  register now

I am so impressed !!!!!  But I have to say these are not the
only players in the game --- there are many -
so for example ----


which if I had read that first I would not have been so
" flabbergasted ", since it dates from Sept - 2014 ----
which is just months ago, but very informative......
particularly included comments ---
so I'm going to add  flabbergasted  to the title.