Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Expanding the nut shell

The transmission grid can be modeled as a battery and a resistor.
In order to make the picture more accurate the resistor must vary
over time.  My previous suggestion is to add a capacitative device
between the battery and the resistor - in fact creating an addition
battery.  If the capacitor is designed to provide peak voltage,
the battery at the other end can be made smaller.

In addition it would be possible to draw in current to a not yet
designed device at lower voltages  which would also supply
the capacitive device.

My other thoughts are that if these new devices are interconnected
by high energy bridges ( bridges which have higher ( energy/voltage )
than the current electric grid ) - energy could be ( shared ? ) across
regions, further reducing the load on the power generation system.
Even higher energy bridges might then connect more distant regions.

This all sounds vaguely like trying to make energy out of nothing.
Actually, it's an idea at how to utilize the energy we now
( produce and consume ) more efficiently.