Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Redesign the Electric Transmission Grid in a NUTSHELL

My original estimate for the redesign of the transmission grid in
2004 was $100,000,000.00

Today, because the average engineer is 20 times dumber than in
2004 - the new estimate is $2,000,000,000.00 --

Now - what's the problem:

The situation is this:

 the current - electric network is a Carnot engine which takes
" low energy " input --- creates High - energy transmission -
and then converts back to medium - distribution
and finally back to  usable "mechanical" stuff.

Changing the name to protect the innocent - call it an
energy transmission system ---

Carnot engine --- low input --- ( add capacitance ) --- various
higher energy transmission methods ---- etc, back to usable stuff..

The high energy does not have to be electric - it just has to be
efficient and somehow can be reconverted (efficiently) to
( the usable stuff ).

Moving right along ---- >>>>>

now the redesign takes place like this --- basically ----

3 international teams of less that 10 per ---- for " high level design"
( 30 x $150,000.00 = $4,500,000.00 ) approx 6 mo to 1 yr effort.

and at high level design phase end
- regroup and select the best features from the 3 teams.

large staff of engineers to do analysis --- research --- and
lower level design ---
( 500 - 1000 @ 50 - 100k =  --- $ 1,000,000,000.00 )
??? time frame.

again --- large technical staff for review --- issues dealing with
 --- > implementation --- and cost --- and creating sufficient
total documentation - that the actual --- build phases will not
require ---- additional expense at that level ---- however, it is
reasonable to assume that -- there will be continuous
ongoing costs - which should attempt to be minimized.
( ??? @ approx --- $1,000,000,000.00 )  ??? time frame.

And finally my current build estimate is $50,000,000,000.00 ---
but that is for an international system - over a 10-30 year time frame.

Approx: --- 5,000,000,000.00 / yr.

In conclusion, it is doable, it is prudent, and it's
( for many reasons ) - necessary.

The only problem is where does the money come from ???????

Well it should come from not just one country --- it should
be an international effort - although - in the end it will involve
local labor - so that some of those costs may
have to be absorbed nationally.

But if you plan on reducing --- transportation costs, resulting
labor synergy from infrastructure planning --- and more over
all benefits coming down the road - you have a long term --- pay back ...

Besides which you are employing a lot of people in constructive
efforts which is beneficial on a global economic level. Ideally -
some of this would come from ""  ??? decreasing international
hostilities "" ( ????? ) ... a highly unsound - non-beneficial
labor intensive process.

Improve the environment --- improve the economy --- and
 keep the planet - habitable for humans.