Sunday, October 28, 2007


I've talked about the idea of redesigning the power transmission grid.
This certainly is a limited concept but a very complex proposition,
because even if such a design existed - what meaning would it have
in terms of the industry. There are well established norms of
behaviors within the industry - guidelines - regulations - etc .
so such a design would require some type of process by which
the proposals might be actually implemented.

In reality this blog cannot be the basis for a design - but only
a discussion and resource for what that design might look like,
what items might be contained in it and the steps that will
need  be taken to actually create something which would
have a meaning in the context of the industry.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Design Basis

So here's a brief outline of the design basis ---

1) better integration of the grid into the infrastructure
a) synergy based on integration
b) the infrastructure supplies energy at points
and transfers energy to other points

2) #1 requires - new materials and construction
methods - making the principals of integration
realizable from an engineering / architectural
and construction point of view. ( See previous post on
batteries and wind )

3) better integration of industrial and community
planning - hopefully to the benefit of everybody.
This is NOT COMMUNISM - this is common sense.
Communities can not expect to control industry - but
industry cannot take the communities hostage or
for that matter for granted. This integration of
community and industry must not rely on a single
location - ( ie like Washington, D.C. ) because the
planning goes on at all community levels. Industry
should not ignore local or neighborhood communities
and these groups should not have to SCREAM to be

4) 1 & 2 & 3 imply a variety and sosphication of "control
mechanism" probably not yet visualized. Some of these
mechanism might be integrated into the materials
suggested by #2.

EIG - Energy initiatives

Boy this almost makes this seems redundant - really -
there mission statement is pretty much the same as
this blog except they have a bigger/(better?) group.

Alot of engineers - but very similiar goals to want
I'm trying to paint on this site.

Check out their interfaces:

batteries(sodium&sulfur) & wind

I think the following is brilliant and although I don't know alot about these
guys I am extremely impressed - at their willingness to take these kinds
of risks, and make these kinds of investments ----

An article in New York times:


“We’re looking at what we believe the grid of the future is going to be,” said Carl L. English, president of A.E.P. “We’re going to need a significant amount of storage if for no other reason than to take greatest advantage of alternative energy sources like wind power.”

details on batteries from same article :

"At least at this stage, saving money by storing a windmill’s production for peak-price hours will be difficult. The cost is very high, $27 million for six megawatts of capacity, or about $4,500 a kilowatt, including the price of substation improvements. Building a gas turbine of that size to meet peak needs would cost substantially less. But the battery system would be able to store power made from wind, a form of generation that does not produce any carbon dioxide.
The batteries can each deliver one megawatt of power — enough to run a medium-size shopping center — for a little more than seven hours. Replenished nightly, they give back about 80 percent of the electricity put into them. Each is the size of a double-decker bus, and installation is not permanent; they can be moved to another site as the need arises.
The batteries will be built by NGK Insulators Ltd. of Japan. They use a sodium sulfur chemistry and operate at temperatures of more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

grid stuff

Hi - my name is Marc Bellario - at least that's what they say -

I want to redesign the electric utility power transmission grid -

Whay do I want to do that ???????????????????????????

Well, mainly because I believe that it's possible to do and
that the results will be beneficial - and because I think
that we tend - we being most people tend to make alot
of assumptions about things that are not always valid.

Thanks I hope you support this